

The power of the appeal to the new world ...


by David Moss
June 2008


Following the revolution in San Marcos, a Central American republic, the new President Esposito proclaims that the official language of San Marcos henceforth will be ... Swedish. Even a banana republic can't be run for long by a lunatic and the palace guard promptly replace Esposito with Woody Allen. President Allen ends up with a 15-year jail sentence in the US, suspended as long as he doesn't move into the judge's neighbourhood.

That was a field exercise conducted by the Al-U'nitedartists terrorist training camps of Hollywood back in 1971.

The plan was refined and, when Esposito became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, he politicised the civil service, he dispensed with the policy-making powers of the Labour party conference, he dispensed with cabinet government, replacing it with a sofa, he tried to abolish the second chamber, he tried to abolish the post of Lord Chancellor, he went to war several times, he proclaimed that this is a new world and that henceforth we all need ID cards.

But when he attempted to introduce 90-day detention without charge, he had to be replaced as top banana by Woody Allen, a master of disguise, who fooled everybody by re-packaging the policy as 42-day detention without charge ...

That's the powerful property of declaring this to be a new world. Anything goes. Or to be more precise, everything goes – including privacy and habeas corpus. The rules of the game have changed. Out goes the fuddy-duddy set of rules (or Constitution) for the old world and in comes ... whatever occurs to the banana next. The new world defence can be used to justify absolutely any new legislation. How long before we're all speaking Swedish?

David Moss has spent five years campaigning against the Home Office's ID card scheme.

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