OSCIE Documents v2 - March 2003

Volume 1. Application white papers and market oriented background documents
  eGovernment white paper on smart card applications and evolution: Analysis of developments
eGovernment white paper on smart card applications and evolution: Survey for eEurope Smart Cards
eGovernment white paper on smart card applications and evolution: Survey on secure smart card based eGovernment Applications
ePayments: Migration of EMV/CEPS, status and roll out plans: EMV Migration Synchronization in Europe
ePayments: Migration of EMV/CEPS, status and roll out plans: e-Purse situation in Europe
ePayments: Migration of EMV/CEPS, status and roll out plans: EMV Country summary (EXCEL sheet)
ePayments: Migration of EMV/CEPS, status and roll out plans: EMV Migration
ePayments: Blueprint on Mobile Payments
ePayments: Mobile payment business requirements
Public transport: White paper on smart card transport applications and evolution
Smart cards as enabling technology for future-proof healthcare: a requirements survey

Volume 2. User Requirements
  Best practice manual
General model for a privacy code of conduct for interoperable smart card systems
Cost transparency for smart card enabled services
User Requirements for Cardholder Identification, Authentication and Digital Signatures

Volume 3. Global Interoperability Framework for identification, authentication and electronic signature (IAS) with smart cards
  Contextual and conceptual modelling
Requirements for IAS functional interoperability
Recommendation for interoperability specifications
Deployment strategy
Euclid and the e-Cities (Your e-key is OK)

Volume 4. Public Electronic Identity, Electronic Signature and PKI
  Electronic Identity White Paper
Study on legal issues in relation to the use of public Electronic Identity
White paper on Identification and Authentication in eGovernment
A pre-inventory of smart card based PKI projects within the EU
Network Authentication Module for internet End-users – Electronic Signature (NAME-ES)
Requirements of terminal manufacturers and convergence model for multi-platform access to services
Telecom operator requirements
Executive summary of white paper on Advanced Electronic Signature

Volume 5. Multi-applications
  Legal framework for multi-application cards and systems
Current and future business models for multi-application systems
Basic technologies for multi-application cards and systems
MAS prerequisites: Core Cross-Sectoral Architecture for Interoperable Multiapplication Systems
Integration of multi-application systems

Volume 6. Contactless Technology
  White paper on requirements for the interoperability of Contactless Cards
White paper on Security and Threat Evaluation relating to Contactless Cards
White paper on the Certification of Contactless Cards
Field Trials Specifications and Guidelines for Contactless Card Systems

Volume 7. Generalised Card Reader
  Generalised Card Reader

Volume 8. Security and Protection profiles
  Application of Attack Potential to Smart Cards (Common Criteria Supporting Document)
The Application of CC to Integrated Circuits (Common Criteria Supporting Document)
ETR- lite for Composition (Common Criteria Supporting Document)
ETR-lite for composition: Annex A Composite smart card evaluation : Recommended best practice (Common Criteria Supporting Document)
ETR-lite for composition: Annex B Guidance for Composite evaluations of multi-application smart cards on open platforms
ST- lite (Common Criteria Supporting Document)
Guidance for Smart Card Evaluation (Common Criteria Supporting Document)

Volume 9. Referenced standards
  CEN Workshop Agreement: Application Interface for smart cards used as secure signature creation devices
CEN Workshop Agreement: eURI (Extended User Requirements Information)
CEN Workshop Agreement: FASTEST
CEN Workshop Agreements: FINREAD and Embedded FINREAD
Japan’s NICSS specifications
U.S. GSC Specification NISTIR 6887/GSC-IS (v2.0)

Volume 10. Glossary of Smart Card Terms and acronyms
  eESC Glossary (EXCEL sheet)

Volume 11. Implementation and deployment demonstrators
  eEpoch Management Summary
eEpoch Announcement Press Release
Netc@rds Management Summary
Netc@rds Announcement Press Release

  eEurope Smart Card Charter Brochure
Clustering information on smart card projects
Weblinks to selected standards forums and workshops relevant to smart cards
Deployment of Smart Cards in Europe December 2002 (EXCEL sheet)

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